Hopkins Royals Boys Basketball Association (HRBBA) is a volunteer-run organization offering boys in 3rd - 8th grades a basketball program where they can develop skills and knowledge in a competitive atmosphere. To participate, players must meet at least one of these eligibility requirements:
If you missed the Parent Meeting during tryout weekend, please take a look at the presentation below for more information regarding the updated Parent and Player Code of Conduct, volunteer requirements and more.
HRBBA is always open to hearing from interested coaches.
Candidates should possess the ability to work with motivated boys to develop basketball skills and play games in a competitive environment. Practices are held two nights a week for all grades. There are tournament games on weekends.
For more information, please email Chris Long at: Coaching@hrbbabasketball.net
Join the HRBBA Board! The HRBBA Board is made up of a group of parents who are committed to making the players' experiences the best they can be through HRBBA.
Service on the Board can be done in a variety of ways:
All manners of help are welcome and needed to ensure our organization can thrive in 2024-2025 and beyond.
Talk to a Board Member today to learn more. Contact info can be found on the Board Page.
Our HRBBA FOCUS Program is designed to demonstrate and promote the importance of our HRBBA core values.
FOCUS stands for:
F - Fighting Spirit
O - Opportunity Seeking
C - Concentration
U - Unrivaled Attitude
S - Sportsmanship
For continuing updates to our FOCUS Program watch our FOCUS Program page!